PAYE Monthly Payroll Submission to be automated by 2025

Written on 10/10/2023
Profmark Team

The SARS PIT/PAYE journey to end state is to replace the current employees’ tax, provisional tax and assessment filing seasons for employers and individuals by a modern, fully automated process of near real-time tax liability estimation, withholding and paying to SARS of the correct tax due. This will be underpinned by a taxpayer account that reflects taxable events and 3rd party data in real time (or close to real-time), in a manner that allows SARS to transition all their value chain activities (like verification & disputes) to real-time.

The planned solution will resemble a framework where employees’ tax, provisional tax as well as assessment processes for employers and non-business individuals is a fully automated tax assessment with underlying data being acquired more frequently. Withholding and payment processes to SARS of tax due, primarily through “own device”, will take place using progressive, integrated, real-time, interactive Individual Taxpayer Accounts.

We will keep you posted in this regard.

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