Social Security Contributions
- Zimbabwe has a mandatory National Social Security Scheme (NSSS) for all resident employees, with both the employer and employee contributing 4.5% of the basic salary.
- The maximum monthly insurable earnings are now 75% of the previous month’s Total Consumption Poverty Line (TCPL) for an average of five persons per household.
Manpower Training Levy
- Employers must pay a 1% monthly training levy on the gross wage bill to the Zimbabwe Manpower Development Authority.
Workmen’s Compensation
- Employers contribute to a fund providing benefits for industrial injury, disability, and death. Contribution rates vary based on occupational risk.
Standards Development Fund
- Employers pay 0.5% of their quarterly gross wage bill to this fund.
Capital Gains Tax
- Applies to sales of immovable property or shares. The general rate is 20% of the net gain and 5% for specified assets acquired before February 2019. Shares on The Zimbabwe Stock Exchange are taxed at 1.5% if held for at least six months, and 2% if held for less than six months.
Inheritance, Estate, and Gift Taxes
- A 5% rate applies to estates exceeding USD 100,000, with some exemptions.
Property Taxes
- Levied by local authorities based on periodic property valuations and annual rates schedules.