Corporate - Tax administration


  • Taxable Period: The general tax year in Zimbabwe is defined as the 12 months ending on 31 December, with possible adjustments for valid reasons. The first year of trade may have a different period to align with future year-ends.

  • Tax Returns: The Commissioner-General notifies taxpayers annually about the due date for tax returns. The CIT return is due by 30 April of the following year, and a transfer pricing return (ITF12C2) is required for transactions with associated persons, branches, or entities in certain countries.

  • Payment of Tax: Zimbabwe mandates CIT payments on four quarterly dates within the tax year: 25 March, 25 June, 25 September, and 20 December. Any adjustments post year-end must be paid, usually not exceeding 10% of the annual tax liability.

  • Anti-Avoidance and Compliance: Zimbabwe's legislation includes anti-avoidance measures allowing the Commissioner-General to disregard transactions designed to avoid tax. ZIMRA focuses on compliance, especially with VAT and payroll taxes.