Dividends: Dividends declared by a Zimbabwean company to a non-resident holding company are subject to a 15% non-resident shareholders tax (NRST), unless treaty relief is available. Dividends from companies listed on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange have a rate of 10%. NRST is payable within 30 days after the declaration of the dividend.
Interest: A WHT of 15% is payable on interest accruing to any person resident in Zimbabwe, arising from a registered banking institution or unit trust scheme. This tax is final, and the financial institution is responsible for withholding it. Non-resident investors are currently exempt from any WHT on interest.
Royalties or similar payments: WHT on royalties is levied at a rate of 15% and is payable within ten days of the date of payment. This applies to payments for the use or right to use intellectual property or imparting scientific, technical, industrial, or commercial knowledge for use in Zimbabwe.
Fees: Fees include amounts for technical, managerial, administrative, or consultative services provided by external service providers. WHT is levied at a rate of 15% and is payable within ten days of the date of payment. This rate may be reduced if a tax treaty with Zimbabwe provides for a preferential rate.
Local contract/tender payments: A withholding amount of 30% is payable by payees who do not possess a valid tax clearance certificate, effective from 1 January 2022.